It all started when...
…From our humble start at music festivals and street markets in England and Africa, we have been honing our craft and developing our range of unique garden statuary and house adornment at Renaissance Faires across the country since 1995. Inspired by history, myth, and outlandish imaginations, I sculpt our ideas in clay, he makes fiendishly accomplished moulds of my work, then casts in Rapidset (hydrolic cement - concrete, only stronger!), after which I do the coloration and finishing, then we both try to sell in between chatting. In addition to our ever expanding, super collectible range of Uncommon Garden Trolls, including the notorious Two-Faced Ted and his delightful partner, Duplicitous Donna, we offer a wide range of Green Men, our Zen Pets (the Meditating Kitties and Puppies) and Buddhas in a variety of shapes and sizes, Jonsno and Ygritte the owls, Jerimiah (the bullfrog) and Elton (the horny-backed toad), Gremlins Erimentha and Ethan, and the pride of my collection, a rendition of the Isle of Lewis chess pieces. If you have been to the New York Renaissance Faire in the past 25 years, you will know us and/or our work, and we are now a decade long fixture (opposite the Mud Show) at the Bristol Renaissance Faire every summer. We can also be seen at the Ohio Renaissance Festival in the Fall, the Sarasota Medieval Festival every November (now at a magical new site beyond Lakewood Ranch), and now at the most wonderful Earth Elements Apothecary booth at the Georgia Renaissance Festival in the spring, but you may have encountered us at Hoggetowne, BARF, FlaRF, TRF, Michigan, or Minnesota over the years. While our beasties are weighty, we guarantee that each piece is built to last in all weathers - and fully house-trained.
GREAT NEWS, we are now able to ship individual pieces again - YAYYYYY. Just in time for the Holidays!!!
For those in the Sarasota area, you are also welcome to come and personally pick up pieces from our winter base in downtown Sarasota, Florida from November to May by arrangement.